In order to effectively implement an Internal Compliance Structure and Policy, it may be appropriate to assess your requirements and best market practices to implement an action plan based on your needs, strategy, and priorities. Our experts, with their in-depth technical knowledge and understanding of market expectations, offer customers the opportunity to use this support to devote their time to the underlying business activity.
From the outset, Compliance4Business has positioned itself as offering its clients high value-added advice in the various areas of Compliance in the usual sense of the term. This includes, either at the stage of initial implementation (Regulatory), or at the stage of qualitative maintenance (Compliance) by verifying completeness, effectiveness and efficiency, the analysis and pragmatic implementation of tailor-made solutions in areas such as AML/FT, ABC & Corruption, Asset Repatriation, Complex account openings, Complex transactions, Complex business operations, Data protection, Governance, ESG, International sanctions or Trade control issues.
Compliance4Business' expertise in the many compliance fields requires the contribution of experts in tax law, criminal tax law, asset planning and international structuring. The importance of an in-depth understanding of these areas was reinforced within the company by the partnership with the renowned Tax Law Firm: Lauwers Fiscale Advocaten/ Lauwers Tax Lawyers.
Together, the Attorneys and Experts will bring their expertise to Clients in a coherent, structured and pragmatic way.
The lawyers office Lauwers and C4B together form a rare technical asset combining expertise in Compliance, Prevention of financial criminal risks, Complex judicial or administrative tax disputes and wealth planning and structuring.
Compliance4Business offers outsourcing services for both key functions (e.g. Compliance officer, the AML officer, the DPO, the ESG compliance officer or the anti-fraud officer) and high added-value project managers. Following a comprehensive understanding of the customer's needs, the company will propose an effective and efficient outsourcing system.
AutoMaze develops digital tools to assist clients with their compliance needs. Their Screening and Monitoring solution is already available and empowers their customers with powerful Sanction, PEP and Media screening and ongoing monitoring capabilities for individuals and entities.
AutoMaze can also assist clients with their custom digital needs to stay ahead of their digital compliance capabilities.
Lastly, Automaze, in collaboration with C4B and CREOBIS, has developed a digital training platform enabling users not only to centralise their needs and track training and tests, but also to obtain high added-value content, technical information (including news flashes) and expert assistance if they receive information that requires further investigation.
CREOBIS organizes conferences and trainings by the best external experts on legal, technological and management developments, enhancing the sector with the best trainings, experience sharing and networking events.
CREOBIS is accredited by the FSMA/NBB, the IPI (real estate agents), and ad hoc training accreditations.
CREOBIS organises training courses for regulated professions, experts faced with regulations relating to compliance and regulating, new players confronted with these issues, and management and boards of directors responsible for applying, monitoring and approving these standards.